I am definitely getting to the point in life when neat and lighter is preferable to solid and dependable. . . I have six dining chairs which will never fall over on their own, that’s a certainty. I struggle to lift one nowadays and yet, only a few years ago, I could sweep two at a time up onto the dining table so I could vacuum. So what to do about this. There are some truly brilliant funiture and home design emporiums out of town – it can be great fun travelling out to these retail parks to b able to visit two or three at a time and comparing their wares. Essentially though, the majority of the designs are much of a muchness and not a lot of variety exists between themakes. It’s rather like visiting the four top supermarkets to compare the suggested basket of food that an average family needs. Each ‘own maks’ will be identical in product with only a small variation noticeable on the packaging. What this confirms is that almost all generic goods are manufactured in only a few factories and for all the suppliers – so they will taste as well as look identical.
If something different is desired beyond the same design of suite, carpet, curtain colours etc, one has to branch out an visit a smaller, independennt outfit, who sources from anywhere and everywhere without limiting th customer’s constantly evolving plan!