Whilst everyone in the entire world is now looking at life insdoors, isolated from anyone not immediately within the household, it can be very challenging to try and keep control of tempers, bad behaviour and emotions. One way is to get the family interested in getting the house straight, moving furniture about to a different position and digging out any curtains and linens that are stored away – giving these a new lease of life. The whole idea of interior design is to make the most of every room and every square inch of space within those rooms. We don’t always have hard cash to achieve great design. We can work interior ideas effectively though with what’s already at home. Spare decorating materials in the shed or garage, just cleaning up each room and swapping curtains or light shades and cushions – a new throw on the bed. All these little touches can bring make such a change – and as they say, a change is as goo as a rest.